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Ellen Greenwood-Sole
Feb 2, 20231 min read
Mourn the Dog you wanted..
It can be hard to accept the dog that you have now is not the dog that you wanted. The life you dreamed of, planned for is no longer...
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Ellen Greenwood-Sole
Jan 26, 20231 min read
A tired Collie or a calm Collie?
We own multiple high drive breeds from collies to terriers which we enjoy long hikes with to short strolls with. The walks made up of...
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Ellen Greenwood-Sole
Jan 19, 20232 min read
Border Collies - What are they bred to do?
What are collies bred to do? Herding. This is the obvious answer, but what does herding actually involve? We are seeing more and more...
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Ellen Greenwood-Sole
Jan 12, 20232 min read
WTF?! What's the Function?
All behaviour happens because it serves a purpose and has a function. This is one of the fundamentals behind dog training, and we use...
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Ellen Greenwood-Sole
Dec 13, 20222 min read
The Predatory Pancake - the what, why and how to help!
The Predatory Pancake: why your Border Collie may refuse to move around triggers!
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